Smart Box – IoT device to sense, inform and react (Provisional Patent No :- 201831028032)
1. Behera R, Satpathy R, Guru RK, Nayak B. Prediction of anticancer property of bowsellic acid derivatives by quantitative structure activity relationship analysis and molecular docking study. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences 2015, 7(1):21-25. DOI: 10.4103/0975-7406.148784, PMID: 25709332
2. Behera R, Satpathy R, Nayak B, Analysis of proline amino acid of Dehalogenase enzymes by Molecular dynamics simulation. Biotechnology: An Indian Journal 2015,11(10):385-390.
3. Satpathy R, Behera R, Computational tools to detect Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in nucleotide sequences: A review. European Journal of Bioinformatics,2015,2:1-8.
4. Satpathy R, Behera R, Padhi SK, Guru RK. Computational Phylogenetic Study and Data Mining Approach to Laccase Enzyme Sequences. J Phylogen Evolution Biol 2013, 1: 108. DOI: 10.4172/2329-9002.1000108
5. Satpathy R, Behera R, Guru RK, Diwedi R Phytoarthradb: A Data Base of Plants Containing Anti-Arthritis Compounds. Advanced Bio Tech 2013, 12(9)1-3.
6. Satpathy R, Guru RK, Behera R, Nanada SS Comparative analysis for anti-arthritis potential of some Bowsellic acid and Curcumin derivatives: a computational approach. International Journal of Biotechnology Research 2013, 6(1) 52-59.
7. Satpathy R, Roy S, Guha R,Adikary S,Guru RK, Behera R In silico based identification and characterization of some novel drug targets in case of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. Drug invention today 2012, 4(8):424-429.
8. Satpathy R, Guru RK, Behera R, Evaluation of anti-influenza activity of Curcumin derivatives by docking and pharmacophore modeling approach. International Journal of Pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences 2012,4(1):469-473.
9. Behera R, Satpathy R, Guru RK, Variable pH based molecular Dynamics Simulation of type II Antifreeze Protein. Advances in Applied Science Research 2012, 3 (3):1545-1550.
10. Behera R, Satpathy R, Guru RK, Aparajita P. Homology modeling of Lycopene cleavage oxygenase:The key enzyme for Bixin production Journal of Computer Science and system biology.2010.3:59-61. DOI:10.4172/jcsb.1000057.
11. Guru RK, Behera R , Ghosh S , Bajpayee A, Dr. Panigrahi J , Dr. Patel AK , Satpathy R. A Comparative 2D QSAR analysis of Levetiracetam & Its analogs:-The inhibitor of Glioblastoma, by Different Statistical Techniques: MLR, PLS, SVM, ANN, Journal of Global Pharma Technology, April 2011; 3(4):1-13.
12. Behera R, Satpathy R, Mohapatra A, Guru RK, PRTVBase: A Predicted promoter data base of Retro transcribing virus,Indian Journal of Computer Science & Engineering, Vol. 2 No. 2 Apr 2011.
13. Ghosh S, Guru RK, Behera R, Bajpayee A, Satpathy R and J. Panigrahi, In-silico ,Comparative Study and 2D QSAR Analysis of Some Structural and Physiochemical Descriptors of Levetiracetam Analogs. Journal of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics,Vol.4(1), 151—169 (2011).
14. Behera R, Satpathy R, Guru RK, Aparajita Priyadarshini, Prediction of Translycopene binding site of Lycopene cleavage oxygenase enzyme involved in Bixin synthetic pathway: A computational approach., Asian journal of experimental biological sciences,Vol 2(1), 2011.
15. Satpathy R, Guru RK, Behera R, Computational QSAR analysis of some physiochemical and topological descriptors of Curcumin derivatives by using different statistical methods, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research Vol 2 (6), 344-350 ,2010.
16. Satpathy R, Behera R, Guru RK, Aparajita P, In-Silico Modelling and Investigation of ATP Binding Pocket of An Algal Oil Producing Enzyme, nst Life Sciences and Bioinformatics Vol. 2: 147-152 (2010).
17. Behera R, Satpathy R, and Guru RK. “Homology modelling and molecular dynamics study of plant defensin DM-AMP1.” Journal of Biochemical Technology 3, no. 4 (2011): 309-311.
1. Behera R, Satpathy R, Patra R, Novel drug target finding of Salmonella Serovar Typhi: A computational approach, one day regional seminar on Biotechnological and computational approach for sustainable development, Bhubaneswar, February 11, 2016, page no. 22.
2. Satpathy R, Behera R, Mahapatra S, Docking study of some phytochemicals and experimental drug molecules with NS5 methyl transferase enzyme of dengue virus, one day regional seminar on Biotechnological and computational approach for sustainable development, Bhubaneswar, February 11, 2016, page no. 21.
3. Satpathy R, Behera R, Nayak B. Chloride –ion Proline interaction in Haloalkane dehalogenase: A computational approach, National seminar on Science Technology for Human Development, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University, December 05-06, 2014.
4. Satpathy R, Guru RK, Behera R and Nayak B Potential Anti-Cancer Compound from Coral Toxin, International Conference on Oceanography & Natural Disasters, Holiday Inn Orlando International Airport, Orlando, FL, USA.August 21-23, 2013 : Abstract published in J Marine Sci Res Dev 2013 3(3)page no.163 (
5. Behera R, Satpathy R, Guru RK, and Nayak B, Natural extracts from marine environment : A source of anticancerous compounds, International Conference on Oceanography & Natural Disasters, Holiday Inn Orlando International Airport, Orlando, FL, USA.August 21-23, 2013 : Abstract published in J Marine Sci Res Dev 2013 3 (3) page no. 227 (
6. Guru RK, Satpathy R, Behera R and Nayak B A comparative 2D QSAR analysis of levetiracetam & its analogs: The inhibitor of glioblastoma, by different statistical techniques: MLR, PLS, SVM, ANN 2nd International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry & Computer Aided Drug Designing, October 15-17, 2013 Hampton Inn Tropicana, Las Vegas, NV, USA , Abstract published in Med chem 2013 3 (4) page no. 190 (
7. Satpathy R, Behera R, Guru RK, Comparative analysis anti-arthritis property of bowsellic acid and Curcumin derivatives, National conference on Recent advances in Biotechnology (NCRB-2011),Rayagada,06 December 2011.
8. Satpathy R, Behera R, Guru RK, Computational basis of gene annotation study of Hepatitis C virus genotypes ,National conference on Recent advances in Biotechnology (NCRB-2011), Rayagada,06 December 2011.
9. Satpathy R, Behera R, Guru RK, Analysis of PH variation effect on structure and function of type II antifreeze protein by using Molecular dynamics simulation method, International Conference on Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine (ICTERM-2011) NIT Rourkela ,30th September to 2nd October 2011.
10. Behera R, Satpathy R, Vimal Yadav, Guru RK, , In silico based investigation of anti- renal cancer compounds by molecular docking method. National seminar on Vedic studies & information technology, 23-24 August 2011.
11. Satpathy R, Behera R, Guru RK, Susant Ku.Padhi, Vimal Yadav, Jagneyswar Ratha,Insilico based modeling study and prediction of antifungal property of plant defensin DM-AMP1 protein. International conference on plant science in post genomic Era, Sambalpur University, February 17-19, 2011.
12. Satpathy R, Behera R, Guru RK, In-silico mutational analysis of 2009 H1N1 swine flu virus genomic sequences and investigation of evolutionary selection pressure on genes.INCOFIBS-2010, NIT Rourkela, October 1-3 2010.
13. Satpathy R, Behera R, Guru RK, Insilco study of NP antigenic peptide cross immunity among Indian 2009 and 1980 H1N1 viral strains, National Conference on Cellular and Molecular immunology, Andhra University, September 25-26 2010.
14. Satpathy R, Behera R, Guru RK, In-silico modeling and docking studies of antiviral drugs for Swine flu. National conference on computational Biology (NCCB), Siksha O Anusandhan University, December 28-29 2009.